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DB2 - DB2 application development: Tracing with the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver

DB2 application development: Tracing with the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver

  • DB2 에서의 JDBC 사용예제를 연습할 수 있는 페이지 입니다.
  • 물론, IBM 에서 제공하는 사이트이며, 영문입니다. (그래도 대충 알아먹을 수 있어요)

Summary: Trace data at the interface between application and database provides the developer with information to identify program errors and to optimize database access. The DB2?? Legacy JDBC™ Driver is based on the DB2 Call Level Interface (CLI) layer and allows for JDBC or CLI tracing ...... 중략

[샘플코드 - Driver Type 2 에서의 JDBC 연결]

public class LegacyTraceExample


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        try {

            // load driver



            // set connection properties

            String databaseUrl = "jdbc:db2:sample";


            // get connection

            java.sql.Connection con =

                java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(databaseUrl, "user", "password");


            // execute a query

            java.sql.Statement stmt = con.createStatement();


            String query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SYSCAT.TABLES";

            java.sql.ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);


            while (rs.next()) {

                System.out.println("\n" + query + " = " + rs.getInt(1));






        } catch (Exception e) {






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